Hail to She Whose Name is Kanakht
Hekatawy Wehem-mesut!
Hail to She Whose Name means "Strong Bull, Heka of the Two Lands,
Repeating Births!"
Her arm is strong as She smites the enemies of Kemet!
The doers of Isfet are trampled beneath Her feet!
Hail to She Whose Name is Khetemakhety
Hail to She Whose Name means "Who Includes the Two Horizons in Her
Pleasing to the Ancestors!"
She welcomes as a Mother Her Children from distant lands!
The glorious Akhu sing Her praises as She receives Her crown!
Hail to She Whose Name is Mutnofret
Mesuakhu Mesutentawy!
Hail to She Whose Name means "Who is the Beautiful Mother of
the Ancestors' Rebirth, Giving Birth to
the Two Lands!"
Through Her, the beautiful land of Kemet finds new life!
From Her springs forth a new Kemet!
Hail to She Whose Name is Nisut-bity
Sekhenet-Ma'at-Ra setep-en-Ra!
Hail to She Whose Name means "King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Ma'at is the Foundation of Ra's Heaven,
Chosen of Ra!"
May She be given life, prosperity and health!
May She rule the Two Lands forever and unto eternity!
Hail to She Whose Name is Tamara!
Hail to She Whose Name means "The One Who Sees Ra!"
She is our beloved King, our trusted guide!
She leads us with Her wisdom, She rules us with Her love!
Nisut (AUS)! Dua Netjer! Nekhtet!